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Dr. Jackie: Unlicensed Psychotherapist” premieres on OUTtv

For musical fans, the TV series of the spring is 'Up Here'

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Modern Family' creator returns to form with hilarious 'Reboot'

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Short-form 'Smothered' is long on laughs

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Casa Susanna' reveals 1950s underground safe haven for trans women

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June Jambalaya, lightly seasoned newcomer thickens mix of RPDR14

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Monarch's' hot butterfly: an interview with Kevin Cahoon

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LGBTQ critics announce winners of Dorian TV Awards

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Trans trailblazer helps queer the sci-fi genre in 'The Peripheral'

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New TV season promises abundant queer content

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Netflix scores queer triumph with 'Heartstopper'

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The Kelly Clarkson Show: Unique LGBTQ+ youth summer camp

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A song of love & courage for Grandpa Ray- American Idol 2023

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American Horror Story' goes full gay in 'NYC'

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NPH is 'Uncoupled' in new Netflix sitcom

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Iconic villain is out of the closet in final 'Saul' season

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Omar, Netflix's Elite, & Queer Palestinian representation

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For Gaiman fans, 'Sandman' is a 'Dream' come true

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A League of Their Own' series proves there is crying in baseball

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Musicians Jim & Sasha Allen on the 'perfect' timing to tell their story

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