Lesbian bondage rape

Crisis in South Africa: The shocking practice of 'corrective rape' - aimed  at 'curing' lesbians | The Independent | The Independent

Rape for Who I Am (Short 2006) - IMDb


About Us - End Rape on Campus

End Rape on Campus

South Africa gangs using rape to 'cure' lesbians

NBC News

How the Prison Rape Elimination Act Helps LGBT Immigrants in Detention -  Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress

LGBTQ+ Horror Movies from 1932 to 2022: The 50 Best of All Time | Them


Good Guys Don't Rape: Gender, Domination, and Mobilizing Rape - C. J.  Pascoe, Jocelyn A. Hollander, 2016

Sage Journals

About Us - End Rape on Campus

End Rape on Campus

Stephen Elliott and the 'Shitty Media Men' List Go to Court

New York Magazine

2020 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State

Department of State

What is Trafficking in Persons?

Combating Trafficking in Persons - Department of Defense

2023 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State

State Department

What Turns Me On: Why Sexual Fantasies and Political Correctness Don't Mix  | Vogue


Domestic and Sexual Violence in the LGBTQI+ Community | Office for the  Prevention of Domestic Violence

Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

Sally Miller Gearhart Strove for a Self-Sufficient, Women-Centered World -  The New York Times

The New York Times

Stephen Elliott and the 'Shitty Media Men' List Go to Court

New York Magazine



The Combahee River Collective Statement – Verso

Verso Books

Violated Hopes | The New Yorker

The New Yorker

Utah State-Wide Needs Assessment 2022 – Gender-based Violence Consortium

Gender-based Violence Consortium - The University of Utah

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